School Board Pages:
A citizens guide to meetings of the board of trustees
Teachers, principals, school staff and district staff may be able to resolve your concern. If not, then you should raise the issue with the board.
You can contact your board member via phone or email at the contact information listed here.
If you aren't sure which area you live in, see this map online. While your own trustee is supposed to represent your interests, you are also free to contact other trustees about the issue, especially if it concerns general district policy.
Two weeks before a board meeting you can see the plain agenda here or review the complete (and more interesting) "board packet" that includes attachments of documents being discussed. If you wish to be alerted when it is posted, you can sign up with Noemi Morones at:
Any member of the public is welcome to attend board meetings. If you are inspired to speak on an issue, you should arrive at 6 pm and fill out a colored index card at the table in the back. Then pass it to Noemi Morones (the assistant who sits on the far left side) and she will include you in the list. When it is your turn, you have 3 minutes. This year, the board began limiting total time devoted to a topic to 20 minutes, so plan your group presentations accordingly. You can distribute printed information, although they may not read it. In theory, they are supposed to provide translation for Spanish speakers, but you are advised to bring your own translator if at all possible.
If an issue is being considered in closed session (5-6 pm), you also have a right to ask for public comment. But again, time is of essence, because they retreat to private chambers.
The minutes of board meetings are posted here after they are approved at the next meeting.
About two weeks after the meeting, Channel 13 airs the footage and posts it on vimeo.
For faster transmission to the public, you are allowed to videotape and livestream statements. This is a public meeting.
If armed policemen are present again at a controversial board meeting like the carpet removal vote, please let us know. We understand this can be intimidating.
2018 Woodland Coalition for Green Schools
Liza Grandia |