Artículos y publicaciones previas sobre maíz y pesticidas. Para ver mi lista completa de publicaciones, consulte mi página web de la universidad.
Nuevos blogs y extractos:
- 2022. "Poisonous Exports: The Controlling Processes of Pesticides in Petén, Guatemala." Latin American Perspectives 49(6): 124-52.
- 2019. “Toxic Tropics: Purity and Danger in Petén, Guatemala.” Journal of Ecological Anthropology 21(1): 1-6.
- 017. “Sacred Maize Against a Legal Maze: The Diversity of Resistance to Guatemala’s ‘Monsanto Law.’” Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture. 11(1): 56-85.
- 2014. “Modified Landscapes: Vulnerabilities to Genetically Modified Corn in the Political Economy of Basic Grain Production in Northern Guatemala.” Journal of Peasant Studies, 41(1); 79-105.
- 2009. “Milpa Matters: Maya Communities of Toledo v. Government of Belize” in Waging War, Making Peace: Reparations and Human Rights, eds. Barbara Rose Johnston and Susan Slyomovics. Walnut Creek, Ca.: Left Coast Press. 153-182.
- 2005 (July 30), web). Op-ed: "In Their Own Words: The House Debate on CAFTA." Common Dreams News Center.
- 2005 (July 27, print and web). Op-ed: “CAFTA to Hurt Guatemala, U.S. Workers.” Birmingham Post Herald. A9.
- 2005 (July 26, print and web). Op-ed: “Hidden in the 2,400 Pages of CAFTA.” San Diego Union Tribune. B7.
- 2005 (April 5, web). Op-ed: “An Honest Mistake?” Common Dreams News Center.
Monografías e informes:
- 2011. “Seeing Like a Seed Company.” A report for the Land Deal Politics Initiative. August 12.
- 2004. “The Wealth Report.” A study of Q'eqchi' traditional knowledge and natural resource management practices accompanied by extensive ethnobotanical indices and GIS maps of forest use. 99 pages.
- 2004. “From the Q’eqchi’ Kitchen.” A bilingual (in Q’eqchi’ and English) recipe book of traditional corn, forest and milpa foods. 23 pages.
- 2001. (Grandia, L., N. B. Schwartz, A. Corzo, O. Obando and L. Ochoa). Salud, Migración y Recursos Naturales en Petén: Resultados del Módulo Ambiental en la Encuesta de Salud Materno Infantil 1999. Instituto Nacional de Estadística, USAID y Measure/DHS. Guatemala. 176 pages.