“Know Your Rights” Pages:
Our laws and regulations rarely protect us from environmental hazards. The repeated response of the school district on issues related to carpet, recycling, cleaning chemicals, and pesticides has been "we are following the law."
But often there are no laws protecting children or consumers or else the laws lack teeth.
For example, when Superintendent Pritchard wrote a member that the district is in "full compliance with AB341 which is the legislation that mandates recycling," yes, technically, even though it doesn't have an active recycling program, the district complies with a voluntary state recycling law.
Or, take the Healthy Schools Act, which requires school districts to report pesticide applications to the state. For years, the district failed to report herbicide sprayings to the Yolo Agricultural Commissioner or note times/places where spayed in district records. If a farmer fails to do so, he or she could be fined thousands of dollars. However, the Ag Commissioner does not have jurisdiction over a school district. All the California Department of Education can do is offer training, which it did in 2018. The district declined the training.
So, we as voters and citizens located near Sacramento have been working to change the laws! As just one example, as concerned parents and grandparents, we have written legislators and provided grassroots perspectives in support of AB 2570 (in committee right now in Sacramento) which would require all school districts in the state to buy green cleaning chemicals.
All this is to say, we can make a difference locally but also with new state laws in California that in turn lead the nation in environmental regulation.
So if you see an issue, write:
Assembly member Cecilia Aguiar Curry
Davis Office
600 A Street, Suite D
Davis, CA 95616
Napa District Office
2721 Napa Valley Corporate Drive
Napa, CA 94558
Call (530) 757-1034 or email at assemblymember.Aguiar-Curry@assembly.ca.gov
or, Senator Bill Dodd
Vacaville Office
555 Mason St., Ste 275
Vacaville, CA 95688
Napa Office
2721 Napa Valley Corporate Dr.
Napa, CA 94558
Phone: (707) 454-3808
Both have met with us and were briefed on the issues we face in Woodland schools.
2018 Woodland Coalition for Green Schools
Liza Grandia | woodland.green.schools@gmail.com