“Know Your Rights” Pages:
Pesticide Form
Thanks to the Woodland Coalition for Green Schools, the district now posts online the parental notification form (you can also find it in the booklet that goes out with district rules about expulsions, absences, etc.)
Although parents who had been filling out the form were not notified in the past, again, due to concerns we raised at the board, the district has been doing a better job of calling parents.
Although the form doesn't say so, teachers also have a right to be notified. Please encourage your teacher to fill out the form so that they can be a watchful eye. We do not understand why calls cannot be made to all parents and staff at a school -- perhaps you will take on this issue....
Last year, the pest plan was missing from the webpage, but it has now been updated.
According to the Healthy Schools Act passed in 2000, if the school district plans to apply pesticides (see below), it must notify parents 72 hours in advance, demarcate the area 24 hours in advance, and keep the site cordoned off for another 72 hours.
Schools should make every effort not to spray while children are on the premises (this includes after school programs).
Pesticides include:
- insecticides
- herbicides
- rodenticides
- termiticides
- fungicides
(See pesticides link for the violations that we uncovered in 2017).
2018 Woodland Coalition for Green Schools
Liza Grandia | woodland.green.schools@gmail.com