Chapters and Articles

  • (Under revision). "Medicine for the Milpa: Risk Perceptions of Agrochemical Use in Northern Guatemala."  American Ethnologist.

  • (Pending revision). "Sickly Green: Carpet and the EPA."  Journal of Scientific Practice and Integrity .

  • 2023.  "Extractivism: The Port-a-cathed Veins of Guatemala.”  Routledge Handbook of Latin America and the Environment, eds. Beatriz Bustos, Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro, Gustavo García-López, Felipe Milanese, and Diana Ojeda. 63-72. (E-commons, coming soon)

  • 2022. "Poisonous Exports: The Controlling Processes of Pesticides in Petén, Guatemala." Latin American Perspectives 49(6): 124-52. (Open access, download PDF or see weblink)

  • 2022.  Panzos: El Parentesco del Despojo.  Ichan Tecolotl 33(360): May. Edited volume on "Extractivismo en Guatemala y México: Estampas de Tiempos Conflictivos." CONACYT y CIESAS. (Open access, download PDF or see weblink)

  • 2022. "El Parentesco del Despojo, Parábola de Panzós." Prensa Comunitaria, 2 mayo. 2021.  "Canary Science in the Mineshaft of the Anthropocene."  Environment and Society: Advances in Research 12(1): 203-226. (Open access, download PDF or see weblink). Translated by Raphaëlle Lapôtre. "La science canarienne dans le puits de mine de l’Anthropocène.”

  • 2020.  “Toxic Gaslighting: On the Ins and Outs of Pollution.” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society.  6: 486-513. (Open access, download PDF or see weblink)

  • 2020.  “Back to the Future: The Autonomous Indigenous Communities of Petén, Guatemala.”  Antípoda. Revista de Antropología y Arqueología 40: 103-127. (Open access, download PDF or see weblink)

  • 2020.  “Carpet Bombings: A Drama of Chemical Injury in Three Acts.” Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 6(1): 1-8.  (Open access, download PDF or see weblink)

  • 2020.  “La Muerte Rápida y Lenta del Curanderismo Q’eqchi’” Debates Indígenas 1 agosto. (Open access, download PDF or see weblink)

  • 2020.  “Kaxlan Winq y Kaxlan Tzib’ entre la Gente del Quetzal.” Entre el Cielo y Xilbalb’a: Reinvindicación de Derechos Indígenas por las Cuevas Sagradas de los Maya Q’eqchi’es.  Guatemala City:  Asociación Probienestar en Acción Saaq Ach’ool Nimla K’aleeb’al y Agrónomos y Veterinarios Sin Fronteras. (E-commons, coming soon)

  • 2019. “Toxic Tropics: Purity and Danger in Petén, Guatemala.”  Journal of Ecological Anthropology 21(1): 1-6. (Open access, download PDF or see weblink)

  • 2019 (editor).  “A Tribute to Norman B. Schwartz (1932-2018).” Delaware Review of Latin American Studies 18(1).  (Open access, download PDF or see weblink)

  • 2018. “Trickster Ecology:  Climate Change and Conservation Pluralism in Guatemala’s Maya Lowlands” in Churches and Cosmologies: Religion, Environment and Social Conflict in Contemporary Latin America, eds. Evan Berry and Robert Albro. Routledge. 145-72.  (E-commons, coming soon)

  • 2018. “Los Restos: Renacimiento y Resiliencia del Pueblo Q’eqchi’ en Petén.” Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Revista Centroamericana de Investigación y Postgrado, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala  5(1): 31-43. (Open access, download PDF or see weblink)

  • 2018 (Grandia, L. and J. Hawkins). “Norman B. Schwartz: Antropólogo y Hombre de Maíz (Brooklyn, Nueva York, 1932 - Newark, Delaware, 2018).” Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Revista Centroamericana de Investigación y Postgrado, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala  5(1): 151-54. (Open access, download PDF or see weblink)

  • 2018.  (With Julie Sze, with Anne Rademacher, Tom Beamish, Liza Grandia, Jonathan London, Louis Warren, Beth Rose Middleton, and Mike Ziser). “Introduction.”  Sustainability: Approaches to Environmental Justice and Social Power. New York: NYU Press.  1-25. (E-commons, coming soon)

  • 2017.  “Ecocide in the Americas: Continuities and Connections."  Featured article for Brujula, special edited volume on “Environmental Justice, Political Resistance, and Social Movements: Defying Ecological Degradation in Latin America,” 11:1-25. (Open access, download PDF or see weblink)

  • 2017. “Sacred Maize Against a Legal Maze: The Diversity of Resistance to Guatemala’s ‘Monsanto Law.’”  Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture. 11(1): 56-85. (E-commons, coming soon)

  • 2015.  “Slow Ethnography: A Hut With a View.” Critique of Anthropology, 35(3): 301-17.  (E-commons, coming soon)

  • 2014. “Modified Landscapes: Vulnerabilities to Genetically Modified Corn in the Political Economy of Basic Grain Production in Northern Guatemala.” Journal of Peasant Studies, 41(1); 79-105.   (Open access, download PDF or see weblink)

  • 2015. Reprinted in a special virtual issue, “Greening Agrarian Studies,” celebrating the 40th anniversary of Journal of Peasant Studies, open access for one year starting April 17, 2015.

  • 2014. “On Dispossession: The Work of Studying Up, Down, and Sideways in Guatemala’s Maya Land Rights Movements” in Up, Down, and Sideways: Anthropologists Trace the Pathways of Power, eds. Rachael Stryker and Roberto Gonzalez.  Brooklyn, NY: Berghahn Books, series in Public and Applied Anthropology. (E-commons, coming soon)

  • 2013. “Road Mapping: Megaprojects and Land Grabs in the Northern Guatemalan Lowlands” for a special volume on “Governing the Global Land Grab,” eds. W. Wolford, S.M. Borras, Jr., R.Hall, I. Scoones, and B. White, Development and Change 44(2): 233-59.  (E-commons, coming soon)

  • 2013.  Reprinted as a chapter in the book Governing Global Land Deals: The Role of the State in the Rush for Land, eds. W. Wolford, S.M. Borras, Jr., R. Hall, I. Scoones, and B. White. Malden, Ma.: Wiley-Blackwell.  47-70.

  • 2013.  Interview with Markus Zander. “Weit Ab Von Der Realität:  Wie Aktivistinnen der Weltbank die Konsequenzen Ihrer Handlungen in Der Realität Aufzeigen.” (From the Far Reality:  How World Bank Activists Demonstrate the Consequences of Your Actions). Lateinamerika-Nachrichte 467: 18-19. (E-commons, coming soon)

  • 2012. “Imagining a New Wildlife Politics: Conservation Contrarians and Corporate Elephants in the Room.”  Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy 15(1): 95-114.  (E-commons, coming soon)

  • 2009. “Silent Spring in the Land of Eternal Spring: The Germination of a Conservation Conflict.” Current Conservation 3(3): 10-13.  (Open access, download PDF or see weblink)

  • 2009. “Raw Hides: Hegemony and Cattle in Guatemala’s Northern Lowlands” in a special edited volume, “Land, Labor, Livestock and (Neo)Liberalism: Historical and Contemporary Transformations in Pastoralism and Ranching,” ed. Nathan Sayre. Geoforum 40: 720-31.  (E-commons, coming soon)

  • 2009. “Milpa Matters: Maya Communities of Toledo v. Government of Belize” in Waging War, Making Peace: Reparations and Human Rights, eds. Barbara Rose Johnston and Susan Slyomovics. Walnut Creek, Ca.: Left Coast Press. 153-182.  (E-commons, coming soon)

  • 2007. “Between Bolivar and Bureaucracy: Biodiversity Conservation and the Lost Potential of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor” in a special edited volume, “Engaging Neoliberal Conservation,” eds. Jim Igoe and Dan Brockington, Conservation and Society 5(2): 478-503. (E-commons, coming soon)

  • 2007. “Los Motivos Detrás de Los Programas de Tierras de los Bancos Multilaterales de la Perspectiva Q’eqchi’” in Gobernabilidad Ambiental y Desarrollo Sostenible en Petén, ed. FLACSO. Guatemala City: Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales y Fundación Ford. 247-255. (E-commons, coming soon)

  • 2005 (November). “Appreciating the Complexity and Dignity of People’s Lives: Integrating Population-Health-Environment Research in Petén, Guatemala.” FOCUS. Report of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Environmental Change and Security Program (ECSP). Issue 10: 12 pages. (E-commons, coming soon)

  • 2001. “Look At The World Through Women’s Eyes: On Empathy and International Civil Society” in Identity Politics in the Women’s Movement, ed. Barbara Ryan. NY: New York University Press. 291-304. (E-commons, coming soon)

  • 2000. “Cuántas Personas Quiere que Vivan en Petén?” in Nuevas Perspectivas de Desarrollo Sostenible en Petén, ed. FLACSO. Guatemala City: Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. 137-56.

  • 1999. “From Dawn ‘Til Dawn: Valuing Women’s Work in Guatemala’s Petén” in Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Tropical Forest, ed. James D. Nations. Washington, DC: Conservation International. 39-46. (E-commons, coming soon)

  • 1999 (Grandia, L. and M. Fort). “Population and Environment in the Petén, Guatemala” in Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Tropical Forest: Guatemala’s Maya Biosphere Reserve, ed. James D. Nations. Washington, DC: Conservation International. 85-91.

  • 1998 (Reining, C., C. Soza and L. Grandia). “Illuminating the Petén’s Throne of Gold: The ProPetén Experiment in Conservation-Based Development” in Timber, Tourists, and Temples: Conservation and Development in the Maya Forest of Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico, eds. Richard Primack et al. Washington, DC: Island Press. 365-388. (E-commons, coming soon)