This book is freely available to download as an open access publication thanks to the generous support by the University of California Davis Library.
If you do download a free digital copy, please consider donating the list price ($30) or more to the Maya grassroots organizations in Guatemala who are defending their food sovereignty against continued attempts by Bayer/Monsanto and other transnational corporations to legalize GM corn. Any contribution — small or large—will be valued. These funds will help support seed fairs, mobilization to prevent passage of another “Monsanto Law,” research into the health harms of pesticides, legal defense of Maya leaders, and agroecology education for Q’eqchi’ Maya youth.
For those who do not care about making their donation tax deductible, you can give through this GoFundMe. The complete proceeds of this campaign will be divided equally among REDSAG (the Guatemalan Food Sovereignty Network), the Bufete para Pueblos Mayas (Maya Peoples’ Legal Office), and ACDIP (the Indigenous Peasant Association for the Integrated Development of Petén).
For those making a donation of $250 or more who want to write a check via a 501c3 organization (from which a 7% administrative fee will be subtracted), please contact me at:
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Stay tuned! A Spanish translation will be released in early 2025. It will be available Open Access for download, in Guatemalan and some Mexican bookshops, and on Amazon.